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орган по сертификация на продукти
нотифициран орган за оценяване на съответствието № 1815  -
  Разрешение за оценяване на съответствието
№ 032-ОС/02.11.2005 г. от ДАМТН
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There is a process of harmonization ongoing in Bulgaria concerning our technical legislation. As a part of that process is The law for technical requirements of the products, The regulation for marking concerning compliance with the particular technical requirements with the producs and the regulations acording article 7 of The law for technical requirements of the products, which introduce in BG Legislation EU Directives for technical harmonization.

According to the bulgarian law Bodies for conformity assessment has been established and they are officially listed on the State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance web site.

On the other hand The Executive Agency "Bulgarian Accreditation Service" (BAS) is the only national body which has accredited many testing laboratories and calibration laboratories,  product certification bodies and another kind of specialized bodies and persons, which work in the non-regulated field of certification - non-obligatory product certification.

CEE Ltd. is a private company with field activity of product certification and coformity assessment of product with particular requirements. CEE is established on the 20th of May 2000 year and is registered in Sofia city court on 13th of july 2000.

The company is assessed by the Directorate "Designation of conformity assessment bodies" of State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance.

CEE Ltd. is registered in the Nando (New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations) Information System. As such body CEE Ltd. works in the sphere of  two EU directives:
"98/37/ЕС Machinery"
"88/378/ЕEС Safety of toys".

We are notified by The European Commision body and our identification number is 1815.


CEE Ltd. is a member of Technical Committees of  Bulgarian Institute for Standardization (BDS), like “Lighting equipment”, “Safety of toys and other child articles”.

We belong to National Chamber Of Electrical Engineering In Bulgaria (NCEEB).

CEE Ltd. is among the co-founders of the Association of the Certifying Bodies. We are a member of Conformity Assessment Forum and have active participate in working groups “Toys” and “Machinery”.